Digitise Your Permit to Dig System
Reduce the risk of service strikes while saving time and money on your project.

An Innovative Approach to Permit to Dig
Utility strikes on electrical cables or pipes can lead to catastrophic consequences on your large-scale construction and infrastructure projects.
It’s costly, disruptive and can even be fatal.
Traditionally, paper-based permit to dig procedures have been in place to control the risks of excavation works.
But this approach can lead to:
- Human error
- Reduced productivity
- ‘Lost’ documentation
- A lack of accountability
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Vislock locks down the permit to dig process with full transparency in relation to allocated roles and responsibilities. This allows the system to be maintained and policed with a simple but smart workflow.
How Can Vislock Help you?
Vislock is the only digital permit to dig app and cloud-based monitoring platform. It has helped countless organisations to improve their permit to dig procedures whilst supporting digital transformation.
Creates a Robust Process
Improves Collaboration
Increases Productivity
Simplifies Processes
De-Risks Your Project
What Could You Be Saving, Annually, on your Project?
Over the last two years, we’ve supported Hs2 & Fusion in issuing over 5000 permits over this period. The below statistics show a saving to the project.
Pieces of paper
Miles saved in travel
In labour costs
In other words, you save time, reduce expenses and significantly reduce annual Co2 emissions over the lifetime of your project.
The Digital Permit to Dig Platform Key Features
Control your Survey data boundary
Utilities are presented in AR
Utilities presented in GIS format
Book a Demo
Vislock allows you to oversee the process, enforce the process and drive a safety best practice culture.
Take a look at the quick demonstration here to view the platform in action.
Who is Responsible for the Permit to Dig Process?
When you partner with Vislock, you get access to a dedicated team who will oversee the process from start to finish. Hover over each role to find out more.
Associated with Project Manager.
Oversees the project procedure and workflow set up with viewing rights and the ability to STOP a permit at any stage.
Permit Manager
Associated with Service Coordinator.
Makes sure STATS and PAS128 Surveys are complete and on the service drawing.
Ensures one source of truth model drawing, GIS/CAD/BIM models are up to date and implemented for the permit to dig.
Sets up the Vislock's system and manages all documentation approval.
Fully responsible for the Vislock's dashboard and permit to dig log.
Closes the permit to dig once As-builts are received from GIS/CAD/BIM-Coordinator.
System approval required from this person.
Permit Requester
Associated with Site Engineers
Requests a permit and submits approved RAMS.
Briefs work gang on RAMS.
System approval required from this person.
Permit Issuer
Associated with a Service Locator
Reviews the supplied documentation and marks on site all know services.
Takes a photo of the site of all service markings before work starts.
Responsible for briefing the work of all known services likely to be in the works area and any exclusion zones while enforcing digging techniques.
Maintain service marking throughout the life of the permit.
System approval required from this person.
Permit Reciever
Associated with Immediate Supervisor
This person receives briefing for the RAMS from the Permit Requester (Site engineer) on the method of carrying out the works and a briefing from the Permit Issuer (Service Locator) about the services in the works area and any exclusion zones.
8 point Check list to be up dated every day.
System approval required from this person.
Associated with CAD Coordinator and Site Engineer
Record As-builts information on-site and issue updates for the services drawing ready for the next permit to dig and to allow the current permit to be closed out.
What people say about Vislock
“The system stores all information so records of signatures/briefings/incidents can be checked even months after the permit has been closed.
This avoids the paper permits being lost on site and all information being lost. It’s quick and easy to use/navigate and could most certainly be picked up by anyone in the construction industry.”![]()
Dan Stanton, Vision Survey
What people say about Vislock
“Having worked with paper permits for well over 15 years, I can only see this being the way forward. Having all the information readily available when the site is potentially 100 miles away is a real benefit – and something I’d suggest to any organisation”
John Aurndell, Vision Survey
What people say about Vislock
“Some of my biggest issues were lost permits, time to print and prepare permit packs and also the quality of the A3 drawings used on sites. Not only does Vislock already solve all these issues but vastly improves available information, time and quality.”
Scott Gizzy, Service Protection and Service Clearance Manager, Heathrow
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